Data Visualization with MatPlotLib Data Visualisation with MatPlotLib allows Data Scientists to explore and present data. As the old adage goes “A Picture is worth a thousand words”, so too…Continue readingData Visualization with MatPlotLib
Data Wrangling – Data Normalization The data wrangling – data normalization we want to talk about today is different that what you will find for the top google searches. There,…Continue readingData Wrangling – Data Normalization
Data Wrangling – Regular Expression In continuation on our mini series in exploring different data wrangling techniques, today we look into regular expression. For example, suppose we have a phone…Continue readingData Wrangling – Regular Expression
Data Wrangling Categorical Data Once we have cleansed our data, we move on to discuss about Data Wrangling. Data Wrangling is the process of transforming raw data from one form…Continue readingData Wrangling Categorical Data
Data cleansing – Data types: Data Cleansing is the process of correcting and adjusting your data in the attempt to improve it’s useability.…Continue readingData Cleansing – Data Types
Getting familiar with data In order to gain insights into your data, getting familiar with the data itself is critical. Moreover, with a good understanding of our data, we can…Continue readingGetting Familiar with Data
Reading in Data The first thing many Data Scientists need to do is to be able to read in our data. For that reason, today we discuss some of the…Continue readingReading in Data
Why Python? There are many different programming languages available on the market, some have been around for decades (C, C++, Java) and some have come and gone over the years…Continue readingWhy Python